Youtility: Jay Baer Shares Insights on Mobile, Content Marketing, and Social Media
Your Digital Marketing Coach with Neal SchafferOctober 24, 2013
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Youtility: Jay Baer Shares Insights on Mobile, Content Marketing, and Social Media

Jay Baer, the author of Youtility, shares the background to his book as well as his perspectives on mobile, content marketing, social media, and business.

Key Highlights

[00:30] Introduction of Podcast Guest, Jay Baer

[05:02] The Concept of Youtility

[07:40] Why Marcus Sheridan?

[10:27] Jay's Strategic Tips for Mobile

[12:50] The Importance of Identifying Customer Needs

[15:54] Final Thoughts

Notable Quotes

  • I think a much more viable approach in today's marketing climate is to just be useful, that if you are truly and inherently useful if you create marketing that is so good, and so useful that people would pay for it, which is really the definition of utility, good things will happen.
  • What I felt we were missing is a strategic framework for why to create content, there's lots of companies out there making lots of stuff, without a real good understanding of what role content really plays and how content really supports other organizational initiatives.
  • Now that you know, it's not about what are you doing on the web, and then what parts of that can you do effectively via mobile, it really needs to be upside down and say, Let's maximize our mobile experience.
  • The notion of really drilling down to understand customer needs is perhaps the most important and unfortunately, I think we are largely derelict in that responsibility. 
  • You think that you understand your customers based on data, but in many cases, you really don't. So if you're not having actual conversations with your customers on a regular basis, that, frankly, is the first step to being a utility.

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