How to Turn Your Blog into a Profitable Business: The 3-Step Process with Graham Robertson
Your Digital Marketing Coach with Neal SchafferAugust 24, 2023
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How to Turn Your Blog into a Profitable Business: The 3-Step Process with Graham Robertson

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of turning a passion project into a thriving business? Imagine being at a crossroads in your career, unsure of the next step, and a friend suggests starting a blog. That's how Graham Robertson, founder and CEO of Beloved Brands, began his entrepreneurial journey. Listen in as Graham unfolds his transformative transition from a corporate marketer to an independent brand strategist, leveraging the power of his blog to reach out to an audience that spans across 30 countries.

Graham's voyage of self-discovery began with a blog on WordPress, where he wrote extensively about his passion - marketing. As the blog gained traction, he figured out the importance of strategic writing, niche selection and reader feedback in shaping his content. Delve deeper into the art of identifying your areas of expertise and utilizing guest bloggers to fill your knowledge gaps, as Graham navigates his way through an intricate world of blogging that ultimately led him to a whopping 50,000 monthly visitors.

Graham didn't stop at just blogging; he used his platform to build a business empire. From leveraging SEO and keyword research to boost website traffic, to creating brand funnels, writing and publishing a book, designing templates, and launching an online course, he has done it all. In our conclusive discussion, he sheds light on his process of creating and selling digital products. Get an insider's view of his journey from translating his work from a Mac to PowerPoint, selling templates through WooCommerce, to developing an online course that mirrors his in-person training experience using Thinkific. Buckle up for a roller-coaster ride into Graham Robertson’s world of turning blogs into businesses!

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