Getting Started with B2B Influencer Marketing
Your Digital Marketing Coach with Neal SchafferMarch 19, 2020
00:26:3118.29 MB

Getting Started with B2B Influencer Marketing

Today I want to share with you a real-life example of how I am rationalizing my client's marketing spend and the different options we are considering for B2B influencer marketing. If you are looking to create fans for your business, why wouldn't you reach out to influencers in your industry and try to recruit them through the spirit of collaboration like I teach in The Age of Influence? This episode will help you understand how to find B2B influencers and all of the different ways in which you could collaborate with them.

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Key Highlights

[03:34] How To Get More People Sign Up To Your Product?

[04:03] Customers Becoming Influencers

[05:20] The Essential Need For Lead Magnet

[07:10] Why Social Media Channels Are Important For B2B

[09:14] How To Find Influencers For Your B2B Company

[11:39] How To Engage With Influencers?

[13:23] Approaching Influencers Individually

[14:40] How TO Include Influencers In Creating Lead Magnets

[15:29] Influx Of Virtual Summits

[17:47] Playing Around With Different Content Mediums

[19:20] What Is The Greatest Way To Expand Your Podcast?

[23:55] My Facebook Community Group

Notable Quotes

  • In marketing, we talk about the essential need for lead magnets. And the reason why as people are not going to sign up to your email list, because they love getting emails, right, they're going to sign up. And because they are receiving something in exchange for signing up, and if your emails, communications are good, and not too spammy, they may hang on and receive your marketing communication through an email medium.
  • It's not just about the influence of people, or those who want to become or are influencers, but also about how businesses can really through becoming more influential digitally and socially, yield more business.
  • Creating something that people might be able to read or engage with, that would generate further demand and interest in their product and build that know, like trust factor.
  • And I argued that public relations professionals should be translating their skills to influencer relations, because it's not a spray and pray one of many approach with influencer marketing, it is a one to one approach.
  • What I've learned from podfest is one of the greatest ways in which to expand your podcast audience is to go on other podcasts.
  • That's another way of grabbing the market before your competitor, but also using it as a way to reach out to influencers and say, Hey, here's another option, we also have a podcast, just a 30 minute interview. 

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